Link Roundup: Bad headlines, social media for academics, women in science, and the 8th Conference of the Science Journalists

28 Jun

I am going to start doing link roundup on this blog – I go through many articles each week, some of which really are worth mentioning but do not quite warrant full blog posts. I will try to do this every 1-2 weeks. Enjoy!

Bad Headlines: As a science communicator, nothing irks me more than terrible headlines.

Social Media for Academics

  • Chris Buddle is an Ecology professor at the McGill University. He recently put together a wonderful presentation on Social media for academics, probably one of the best presentations that I have seen that is tailored for the academics. Chris is very active on twitter, so make sure you follow him @CMBuddle
  • The role of twitter in the life cycle of a scientific publication by Darling, Shiffman, Côté, and Drew came out on ArXiv some time ago, but I finally managed to take a look last week. A very nicely written summary about twitter for academics because it is much more in-depth, and was written specifically for its target audience. I have seen way too many generic twitter summaries written for academics that are just way too light and do not present a strong case on why academics should be using twitter. HT Artem Kaznatcheev for bringing this to my attention.

Women in Science

  • I am working on a review of recent studies on gender bias in science, and came across this. Athene Donald wrote about a paper published this month regarding the under-representation of women as invited speakers at the European Society for Evolutionary Biology Congress. It is more complicated than it seems –  you can check out the paper here. Athene invited comments on her blog post through social media and the comment thread for her post is a good read.

The 8th Conference of the Science Journalists: The conference was held in Helsinki in Finland from June 24 to 28. If you look at the programme, you would notice that there are a many great discussions during the conference! Sad that you missed the conference? Here are a few ways to catch up:

Last but not the least…

6 Responses to “Link Roundup: Bad headlines, social media for academics, women in science, and the 8th Conference of the Science Journalists”

  1. Artem Kaznatcheev June 28, 2013 at 8:32 pm #

    You should do a post on social media for academics based on all the things you’ve come across so far. Something short and spiffy. Something about G+ in particular would be nice too see. There is a great science community on G+ and the platform seems better for discussion than twitter while not being as time demanding as blogs.

    Also, is there a Kickstarter or some such set up to try to save the Centre of the Universe?

    • Terrific T June 29, 2013 at 12:15 am #

      I could write one for social media, but there is already so much out there – the two outlined in my post are probably much better than anything I would have come up with myself. With that being said, something about Google+ might be a good one, since that’s rarely explored even though some of the social media professionals I talked to thought that’s where people will be in the future (when I told them that the SciComm Canada group is a Google+ they were impressed). So that might be something to talk about.

      I don’t think there is a Kickstarter. I thought about it actually, but sustaining an outreach program like this is quite different from funding a prototype or a “project.” (For example, you might have enough money to run the program for one more year, and then what?) I think eventually the program will continue, but just become a weekend only program. It also sounds like the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada is considering taking this on – I am crossing my fingers and we will see what happens…

  2. Chad Atkins (@chemchad) June 29, 2013 at 11:57 pm #

    Thanks for the summary, Theresa!

  3. awisstaff July 9, 2013 at 7:32 am #

    Speaking of Athene Donald, I wrote a blog post about research awards exclusively for women, which also featured Athene Donald’s article in the Huffington Post! ( She really does have great insight and ideas regarding men and women in science, and the disparities therein.

    • Terrific T July 9, 2013 at 7:53 am #

      Thanks! Will definitely give that a read. I like the way she framed the ESEB paper – more about useful discussions. Also love the fact that she is a physics prof! (I work in the department of physics & astronomy, as you might know already).

    • Terrific T July 9, 2013 at 9:04 am #

      BTW, I actually did read your blog post (liked it too)! But didn’t get a chance to follow through to get to Athene’s article. I really like your perspective. Another point to make is that women who won either women only prizes or be recruited through the “quota” method might harbour self-doubt (something that I have heard a few people talked about before). Did I win this prize because I am actually good? Or is it because I am a woman? And what does that say about me when I compare myself to my male colleagues? That creates its own host of problems. I do like Athene’s point though, and think perhaps we do need such prizes, but absolutely need to frame them very differently. (and I personally do not agree with the quota system myself…)

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