Archive | August, 2013

An (in)efficient vacation

20 Aug

I am so sorry, readers…I have been trying to write part 3 for my series on how to study gender bias in science for the past 3 weeks. In fact, my vacation from work started 2 weeks ago, so I had plenty of time to do it! At least that was what I thought to myself.

But I made the same mistake that many people made, thinking that they will continue to be productive work-wise on their vacation, only to realize that this is not the case afterward.

For my readers who don’t know me personally, I have been a bit of a workaholic in the past few months. I absolutely love my job, and love all things associated with it – science talks, outreach events, articles about science. And even though I am not working toward another degree, I take pleasure in reading scientific articles “for fun” :D. But all these are a bit of a trade off. For the last few months I have been missing out on going to indie concerts, cooking, organizing beer hangouts, playing some more sports, and more, so that I could kick start my blog and get a few other online science communication projects going. I think I forgot that while these were not work, it is still “working,”

I had a conversation with my boss a few weeks ago, where he worried that I might eventually burn out. I was like, of course not! I have so many things going, science talks, writing, reading, etc. And he went, “I meant, something that is not related to science?” And I was like, “ehhhhhh…..”

And to top it off, now that I am not “at work”, I miss the environment of constantly being part of the science communication conversations at work. These conversations push me to write about issues, to think about the next article, and to voice concerns. Now that I am not in that environment, it is very hard to move past my writer’s block.

Anyways, I am been carrying the guilt of not writing up part 3 and 4 of my series, but at the same time I would much rather take a proper break and make sure that when I come back to complete my series, the articles will be the best they can be. So, sorry readers. But don’t worry. My vacation ends in 2 weeks so you should find the series on my blog fairly soon 😀 Thank you again for your support and please do continue following this blog in the future!